
SuperView-1 constellation, launched in 2016-2018, consists of four identical satellites providing daily global coverage. As the first commercial Chinese optical satellite constellation with 50cm resolution, it offers both panchromatic and multispectral imaging capabilities.


Technical Specifications

Panchromatic: 50cm GSD
Multispectral: 2m GSD
Swath width 12km at nadir
Accuracy 80cm with suitable ground control
panchromatic: 450-890 nm
blue: 450-520 nm
green: 520-590 nm
red: 630-690 nm
nearIR: 770-890 nm
Stereo available Yes
Coverage 2,000,000 km² per day
Altitude 530 km
Dynamic Range 11 bits
Orbit Type Sun-synchronous, 10:30 am descending node

Features and Benefits

Frequent revisits

Multiple satellites in orbit ensure frequent coverage of your area of interest.

Multiple band options

Versatile spectral bands for various applications and analysis needs.

High accuracy

Precise geolocation accuracy for reliable mapping and analysis.