AUD Data Pricing
Discover GeoPera's market low prices
Previously-captured images available for same-day* download.
All prices listed are in AUD per km²
30cm Resolution
Minimum AOI: 25 sq. km
40cm Resolution
Minimum AOI: 25 sq. km
50cm Resolution
Minimum AOI: 25 sq. km
75cm Resolution
Minimum AOI: 25 sq. km
1m Resolution
Minimum AOI: 25 sq. km
Request a new capture of your area of interest (AOI).
All prices listed are in AUD per km²
30cm Resolution
Minimum AOI: 100 sq. km
40cm Resolution
Minimum AOI: 100 sq. km
50cm Resolution
Minimum AOI: 75 sq. km
75cm Resolution
Minimum AOI: 100 sq. km
* Same-day meaning the same-day that Geopera receives the imagery from the vendor. Delivery times from vendors vary
** Prices start from the listed amount and may vary by vendor. Prices may increase based on factors such as priority purchasing, maximum cloud % and maximum angles.
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